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London, SE11 5LN
United Kingdom




The project seeks to revive the sector by way of creating a new urban fabric in which people are the protagonists. This is in response to a place that has become disconnected from the historic centre of the city due to the creation of large highways that bypass the neighbourhood, and that has suffered deterioration and neglect due to the abandonment of various local institutions and a lack of residents, amongst other causes.
The objective is to generate different activities that complement the zone’s main use as a traditional commercial centre, in order to foster numerous close relationships between people and place and to create intense urban experiences. This is achieved by the creation of a new network of public spaces that weaves together the urban zones in a series of pedestrian connections, thus mitigating the impacts of industrial activities and vehicular routes, and finally crafting an urban environment on a human scale.




Type: Entry, open competition
Date: 12.2016
Client: ERU
Location:  Bogota, Colombia
Size: 435.000 square meters
Status: Concept design   
Team: Anna Kulik, Giorgio Badalacchi
Natalia Canal, Ana Winograd, Laura Gutierrez, Fredy Pantoja
Images: MOBO, Monomo