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The project is based on the understanding of the two organising axis of Izhevsk and its identity. The first runs from the historical centre and goes through most of the public spaces of the city and links the main cultural and civic buildings and iconic monuments. The second axis relates to the shape of the waterfront and the topographical landscape of the city. The two lines explore the dichotomy in between linear vs organic, urban vs landscape, industry vs nature, and steel vs water.

The civic Line:
In creating the civic line we struck a path expressed as a steel insertion beginning at the front of the Pravitelstvo Udmurtskoy Respubliki traversing the main public squares and descending the slope passing through Druzhby narodov and projecting in to the lake as a slender walkway that provides panoramic vistas of the water and its shoreline.
The materiality of the civic line echoes the industrial heritage of the city and its identity as the birthplace of the Kalashnikov rifle.

The lake line: 
This line is created from a series of white concrete bands that weave a path along the shore punctuated by a series of architectural interventions that foster complementary social activities including an open air amphitheatre, restaurants and bars, outdoor swimming pools, thermal baths, and beaches. Interspersed between these, we propose stations for boats and city bikes to improve accessibility.

Together, the two lines form a connecting network for the city that improves its urban porosity and accessibility for both pedestrians and cyclists. Additionally, each line creates its own spatial events, communal spaces and social program that help to improve quality of life and create a variety of meaningful experiences for the citizens of Izhevsk.




Type: Landscape, urbanism
Date: 04.2017
Location: Izhevsk, Russia
Status: Finalists
Team: Anna Kulik, Giorgio Badalacchi
Regina Mirzoyants , Ana Winograd, Sophie Lambotte, Henry Puryer