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14B Dolland St
London, SE11 5LN
United Kingdom




Leon is a mozzarella bar located in the culinary centre of the capital city of Colombia. In our approach to the brief given by the client, we opted to retain most of the original features of the building (stairs, wooden floors and brick walls) and added a delicate double pitched glass and steel canopy over the back patio that creates a new sitting area next to the cocktail bar.
In the interior of the restaurant we find a large mozzarella bar, the kitchen and additional seating spaces, though here we employed a different design agenda to create a more intimate environment for the users.




Type: Restaurant / Bar, Commission
Date: 10.2016
Client: BC2
Location:  Bogota, Colombia
Size: 250 square meters
Status: Built   
Design team: Anna Kulik, Giorgio Badalacchi
Natalia Canal, Ana Winograd, Laura Gutierrez
Construction: Luis Fernando Cifuentes (Arquitectonik)
Images: Jairo Llano