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London, SE11 5LN
United Kingdom

Enlaces Peatonales en Cartagena



The project aims to respect the existing fortress while proposing contemporary structures to enhance the interaction between visitors and the site.
We considered that each of the designed areas has to be different, customised according to historical context, use of space and urban setting.
However, the use of the same material in each of the structures (corten steel and white concrete) reflects the idea that the urban project should be perceived as a unified whole.





Type: Construction Project. Urban Scale, Heritage, Urban Furniture
Date: 11.2014
Client: Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos
Location:  Cartagena, Colombia
Size: 20,000 sq m
Status: Winners of Open Competition, Stage 2 Design Development
Competition Team: Anna Kulik, Giorgio Badalacchi
Ana Salazar, Regina Mirzoyantz
Second stage design team: Anna Kulik, Giorgio Badalacchi
Natalia Canal, Antonio Bermudez, Laura Gutierrez,  Marta del Olmo, Fredy Pantoja